Sunday, 14 March 2010


we where dividing the snow drops last week and replanting them along the river when we came across some stones just under the soil. we scraped the soil of the top of them to find that the smallest was about 50cm wide and 90cm long. we got the digger out to find that they where also 30cm deep all nicely carved it turns out that they are some of the stones of the bridge that crossed the river at that point in the
17Th century. we have cleaned the stones up and put them to one side we will incorporate them some where in the garden at a later date.

under one of the stones in the clay there was the toes of a boot preserved by the clay. there was no bones inside all i can assume is that during construction the stone ended up on some ones foot no HSE in those days they got the foot out but had to leave the boot.

a bit further down we dug up a magazine of bullets probably dropped during the second world war by a solder walking past.


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

It's like a treasure hunt, isn't it?

AMIT said...

So what have u done of this things?

ad posting work india